2021 might not have brought the change we’ve been waiting for so far. If you’re like me, you simply felt as if 2020 continued. Months of lockdown have seemingly been tearing on everyone’s nerves.

Despite the pandemic being over, most of us will have days when we’re simply feeling down. Those are the days where you wake up and barely managet to get out of bed. And maybe your mind is racing too much to meditate for a long time. So what do you do?

Journaling has helped me to figure our what is going on. Often your body and mind want you to notice something. Using pen on paper has helped me return to a calmer and more accepting state.

I like to set the scene when I’m journaling. I put on some dim lights – fairy lights, a salt stone light and get comfy. I like sitting on my bed or on the ground so that I have a lot of space around me. You might on the contrary also enjoy cuddling into a smaller space like an armchair. Take a notebook that has a nice cover – treat your journal like something special.

For my first prompt and in general, I always like to do a little check-in with my body. I like to do a self-scan of my body, eyes closed and in a sort of meditative state.


And here come the prompts:


  1. What sensations are you feeling in your body right now?

  2. Are you judging these feelings – my anxiety ache is bad, I’m making myself sick, etc. If yes, can you simply focus on it and then let it be there the way it is?

  3. If you were a loving parent to yourself, what would you tell yourself to console you?

  4. If you had your best friend right next to you now, what would he/she say to you?

  5. What do you need right now? Can you give it to you unconditionally?

  6. Which minor everyday life things make you happy and grateful to be alive? Here comes your gratitude list 🙂

  7. What are the weaknesses I’m frustrated about, and how can I use them to fuel something positive? Which ones should I simply let be and accept, reminding myself that in the end, no matter what the world makes us want to believe, nobody is perfect, and embracing that is a positive step into acceptance.

  8. Do you think what you’re feeling right now will last forever? Do you remember the last time that you felt down? Did it end? Are you willing to accept it and sit through, knowing that you will come out at the other hand?

  9. What is a compliment that I could make myself today? Reading this post means you’re taking action!

  10. If you’re angry at another person: Is their behavior something that you don’t like in yourself either? E.g., the other person is so selfish – are you selfish yourself?

  11. If you’re angry at the world: Are you in control over this? If not, can you let it go? If yes, what steps can you take for yourself to better your own position and stance in this world?



I hope you’ll find acceptance and release in this state of feeling down. Stay safe!

If you’d like to, check out my other journaling prompts.


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